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Indian Head Massage

Chakra Alignment

Indian Head Massage has been practised in India for over 5000 years. It is based on the Ayurvedic healing system.


Benefits of Indian Head massage:

Increasing Blood Circulation

Improving Skin & Hair conditions

Mental Fatigue & Improving Concentration

Relieve Stiffness, Aches & Pains

Headaches & Migraines


Depression/Anxiety/Stress/ Tension

Sinus congestion

It is a treatment involving kneading, squeezing and rubbing of the upper body. Focusing on the face, scalp, neck, shoulders, upper back and arms.  Oils can be used to enhance the treatment or omitted.

The massage has a powerful effect on the nervous system, the aim of the treatment is to balance & restore inner harmony to the Mind, Body & Spirit & by re-aligning the Chakra system.


Cost per treatment £60 

Please allow slightly longer for your session due to a full consultation being taken.

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