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Body Mapping on feet

Reflexology stimulates the body into healing itself, by using specific points on the feet that correspond with areas throughout the body.  This is like a mapping system on the feet, the feet can tell you a lot about your own body.  I like to call the treatment a Full Body MOT.  This treatment may feel gentle but it really does pack a punch for all the right reasons. 

It's one of the most Wonderful and Powerful holistic treatments around.  

Effects and Benefits:

Reduces the feeling of Stress

Gives a Greater Sense of Well-Being

Boosts and Helps maintain Immunity

Fertility Isuues

Back issues

Helps Pain


Recovery from illness

Improves Circulation

Helps to clear out emotions

Cost per treatment £60 

Please allow 15 extra minutes for a consultation to be taken on your first visit. 

Contra Indications: 

Pregnancy - Not before 12 weeks and if history of miscarriage or unstable pregnancy

Foot fractures

Major operations

** It is not advised to have a treatment if you have a cold or flu **

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